Visit of the Minister Mr. Ramon Tremosa together with the Mayor Mr. Oscar Sierra

On January 13, the Minister of Business and Knowledge, Mr. Ramón Tremosa, together with the Mayor of La Llagosta Mr. Oscar Sierra, visited our new facilities.

We were able to share and explain our project, and the range of possibilities that these new facilities offer us, and especially, to be able to show the technology, knowledge and experience behind the mold and plastic parts industry, which we use so much in our day. After the explanations made during the tour by the founder Mr. Francisco Sanchez and the Sales Director Mr. Daniel Altimiras, a few words were given by the CEO, Ms. Estela Sanchez where she emphasized:

  • The need to work in a unionized way and supported by companies and people.
  • The defense of vocational training, and to make more women visible in the industry.

During the visit, we were also accompanied by Mr. Joan Romero, Advisor of ACCIO, Mr. Jordi Carbonell deputy director general of industrial investments, and Ms. Alicia Bosch, president of the Center Metal·lurgic.