Lluis Soldevila and his "Success is written with A" has collaborated with Dicomol

The author of the book "Success is written with A" and "Biting the Ice", Lluis Soldevila (http://lluissoldevila.com), collaborated in a training session for Dicomol in order to explain his formula of how to improve our attitude as well as the way to see and manage the situations that the day to day bring us, remembering that it will only depend on us and how we want to face them in order to reach success.

They were clear, direct and concise messages, where each of us, should evaluate how to implement the Law of the Triple A (Auto Knowledge, Attitude, Action) that gives name to its first publication.

Lluis Soldevila "Success is written with A"Lluis Soldevila has collaborated with DicomolLluis SoldevilaLluis Soldevila  in a training session for Dicomol